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By: L. Vibald, M.B.A., M.D.

Co-Director, Palm Beach Medical College

Some countries take a highly precautionary approach to the selection of donors for the safety of blood products erectile dysfunction journal articles buy super levitra 80 mg otc, donors and patients erectile dysfunction age 30 buy super levitra 80 mg lowest price. Policies for donor selection should take into account the need for a balance between the safety and sufficiency of the blood supply and available resources (11 erectile dysfunction and age super levitra 80mg without prescription,12 erectile dysfunction caused by jelqing purchase super levitra toronto,13). However, there are relatively few internationally-recognized guidelines on blood donor selection (Annex 1) and all of these have been developed to address the needs of specific regions or countries. There is therefore a need for global guidance on the development of systems and criteria for blood donor selection that could then be adapted at national level. Objectives these guidelines are intended for use in countries which have not yet established national systems for blood donor selection or which are in the process of developing or revising donor selection guidelines and criteria. The specific objectives are to: 1 Provide guidance on the measures needed to develop and implement effective systems for assessing the suitability of individuals to donate blood. The donor selection criteria recommended in these guidelines apply to donors of whole blood, red cells, platelets, plasma and other blood components, donated as whole blood or through apheresis, including plasma for fractionation. These include a) criteria that have worldwide applicability and should be applied uniformly, and b) criteria that require local adaptation in the light of epidemiological data, demography, the health of the population, the screening and confirmatory tests performed and the available technology. Whilst these guidelines are designed to promote best practice in blood transfusion services to ensure the collection of donations from the lowest risk donors possible, consideration should always be given to the issue of sufficiency, balancing any risk of infection against the risk of blood shortages resulting from the development of too stringent national guidelines. Infectious risks are not the same in all countries, or even within individual countries, and it is crucial that selection guidelines are developed according to the circumstances and needs of each country. It identified three key questions to be addressed: 1 What are the components of an effective national system for assessing the suitability of prospective donors to donate blood? The literature search covered the more widely consulted published literature from peer-reviewed journals, regional journals, book chapters, institutional and other knowledge databases, as well as lesser-known published literature and unpublished and non-reviewed "grey literature". As these guidelines have been developed particularly for use in countries that have not yet established national systems for blood donor selection, the literature search strategy was specially designed to collect literature from low and middleincome countries. A preliminary screen by review of titles was carried out by the searcher to eliminate obviously irrelevant and duplicate citations. Key papers that addressed each of the study questions were then selected and the full text of these papers was reviewed. This formed the basis for the formulation of recommendations on criteria for the acceptance and deferral of prospective blood donors. It is recognized that there is a paucity of high quality evidence on which to base decisions on blood donor selection. Many long-established donor selection criteria are based on medical knowledge of the disease process and human physiology, the haemodynamic effect of blood donation and the potential for harm to either the donor or the recipient. In general, acceptance criteria specify conditions in which there is no or minimal risk to donor or recipient, based either on published evidence of safety from observational studies or on general medical principles. Deferral criteria are based almost entirely on general principles aimed at minimizing any risk to the donor or recipient. Evidence is rarely available because observational studies of blood donation in many such conditions would be unethical. Given the paucity of the evidence on donor selection criteria, formal assessment of the quality of evidence to support the recommendations was undertaken only for three topics, because of their controversial nature, discrepancies between international guidelines or the potential impact of a change of practice on the blood donor base, i. Summaries of evidence tables were made to assist in the development of recommendations on these topics. Where published evidence is lacking, recommendations on donor selection criteria are based on international best practice and the medical knowledge and expertise of members of the guideline development group and external review group. In conditions where emerging evidence suggests that deferral criteria may be relaxed, a precautionary approach is recommended until good evidence of safety becomes available. Review and updating of the guidelines It is anticipated that the guidelines will remain valid until 2017. National health authorities and blood transfusion services are responsible for ensuring that a national system is in place for the selection of all blood donors through an assessment of their suitability to donate blood. The national system for blood donor selection should include: National policy and legislative framework National guidelines and criteria on blood donor selection Public information and donor education Suitable infrastructure and facilities Adequate financial and human resources Quality system, including standard operating procedures, documentation and records Donor haemovigilance Monitoring and evaluation. The national blood policy should be supported and enforced by a legislative and regulatory framework and implemented through national guidelines. The legislative framework should define the fundamental principles and ethics of blood donation and donor selection.

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